A typical week at Cathedral Baptist in Jonesboro has opportunities for all ages.

Sunday mornings start with age appropriate Bible classes for the whole family. The worship service has opportunities for toddlers, children, and adults. Parents can focus on the sermon while their kids are experiencing the bible on their level.
Sunday night brings everyone together in the sanctuary for a relevant and relatable bible message.

Wednesdays pick up with a meal together. Then everyone splits off for their own programs. We have Awana for the younger kids and youth groups for the older ones. The adults meet downstairs in the fellowship hall for an informal bible study.

AWANA is a dynamic, engaging, and fun program of biblical teaching, exciting games, and fellowship. Our hope is to see today’s children become tomorrow’s Christian leaders in every aspect of society and culture. Awana follows the school calendar.

Faith Bible Institute (FBI) is a through the Bible course for every Christian. Students study chronologically through every bible book & doctrine. Classes meet only once a week. FBI combines video-based Bible teaching, student workbooks, and group classes. The full course includes six 17/18 week semesters. Cathedral offers three different group times each week.
Sundays: 1:30-4:30 PM
Tuesdays: 9:00-Noon
Tuesdays: 5:30-8:30 PM

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who walk alongside you through life’s most difficult experiences. Here you will find support as you go through the grieving process. Each week the group will watch a video featuring top experts on grief and recovery subjects. After the video, they spend time supporting one another by processing what was presented, as well as ongoing changes in each other’s lives.
Let us know if you have any questions or would like to know anything more about any of our ministries.